校外旅遊教學的規劃大都是來自教師的決定,但是負責此事的卻是學校的領導者-校長,以往研究都是從老師的角度來探討校外旅遊教學的規劃,較少探討校長所扮演的角色,及探討校長的人格特質、轉型領導會不會影響教師規劃校外旅遊教學的趨向。本研究目的以探討國小校長人格特質、轉型領導的運用及對校外旅遊教學的規劃做為研究方向;採用質性研究,透過相關文獻分析與深度訪談,從訪談資料中加以分析並歸納。結果發現國小校長是以人為中心及正向特質來行事,成為組織成員學習的典範;亦都能純熟的運用轉型領導,來帶領組織成員經營學校;更進一步發現校長人格特質和領導風格,無形中影響教師在校外旅遊教學規劃的趨向;另外,在校長尊重教師的決策,教師尊重校長的趨向下,雙管齊下,亦可規劃出有品質的校外旅遊教學,最後並提出校外旅遊教學未來的發展方向及對國小校長的建議。 Most of the arrangement of outdoor tourism educations are based on teacher’s decisions. However, it is the principal, the leader of the school, who takes major responsibilities. Most researches examined the arrangement form teacher’s point of view while scarcely discussed whether the principal’s personality traits and his/her transformational leadership may influence the trend of outdoor tourism educations. The purpose of this study focuses on the principal’s personality traits and transformational leadership and the arrangement of outdoor tourism educations. This study adopts qualitative approach and based on the literature review and in-depth interview and the data were analyzed and induced into several main points. The results revealed that principals make decisions with positive characters and treats as the central element and they are also the model of the school. Moreover, principal’s personality characteristics and style of leadership may also influence teacher’s arrangement when they carry out the outdoor tourism educations. Under the situation of mutual respection between teachers and the principal, better quality of outdoor tourism educations will be fulfilled. Finally, suggestions of future direction of outdoor tourism educations and for principals are offered in this study.