資策會調查報告中指出台灣電子商務平台的密度為全世界最高,而旅遊產品的基礎是必須提供大量資訊給消費者,所以非常適合運用在電子商務上。而從交通部觀光局的「國人旅遊狀況調查」報告以及教育部網站中,可知國小教師對於旅遊業者來說是一個相當重要的族群。 本文採質性研究將訪談資料予以分析及歸納,結果發現會購買線上旅遊產品的教師特質為年齡層在四十歲以下居多,有固定上網的習慣,以線上訂房、門票為主,喜愛生態性、知識性的行程。購買時的態度是不注重網站的品牌性,而是重視網站的誠信度、服務態度以及價格,平時會受旅遊網站的照片而引起購買意願。網路的便利性、資訊的完整度以及易用性、自主性高、導遊的專業素養是讓其有意願購買及再購的最大因素,另外當遇到產品不符時,並不會影響其再購意願。 本研究透過相關文獻分析與深度訪談,探討國小教師購買線上旅遊產品的態度與意願,進而提供線上旅遊業者規劃及經營之參考。 According to the investigation report of Institute of Information Industry,Taiwan has the highest density of electric commerce platform.It is suitable to apply on electric commerce because the needs of great amount of information about the tourism products. According to"Civilian tourism survey report", which was done by Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, and website of Ministry of Education, primary school teachers are important for tourism industry. The qualitative method was used to analysis and generalize the interview information in the study.The results revealed that teachers who are under 40 having online habits are willing to buy the online tourism products and mostly they reserve rooms and tickets and like ecological and informative schedule. They concern more on credibility, serve attitudes and prices than the brand.They were attracted to shop by picture of tourism website. The convenience , information integrity, ease of use and high autonomy of website and tourist guide’s professionalism are the main factors for the primary school teachers to reorder again.When the product is not in accord with their expextation,they are still willing to reorder. The study is to investigate the primary school teacher’s attitude and will to the online tourism product by analyzing the reference and interview information. The study results will provide to tourist industry to plan and manage their website.