本研究採質性研究方法,透過文獻分析與深度訪談,探討受訪者對慢食意識之認知,研究結論得知對「好」的食物看法是維持食物天然性及原始風味,搭配健康烹調方式,與人共餐,能帶來愉悅的感受,並且了解食物來源取得方式。對「乾淨」的食物看法以當令當地為佳,且需增進對食物碳足跡及基因改造相關概念,食安風暴影響健康及經濟,提升食物品質及資訊公開,敦促職業道德確切落實。對「公平」的食物看法為生產者是堅持理念以土為本的人物,但受市場削價影響,付出高勞力卻利潤有限,自產自銷但缺乏行銷能力,故應建構銷售平台,拉近生產者與消費者理念,每個人善盡各自扮演的角色。對「慢食」的整體看法,認為慢食有助於喚醒在地文化記憶及樂趣,增進人與人間情誼,找回餐桌上快樂時光,善用食物選擇權,探究食物本質與價值,是一種由內而外的人生態度。最後提出建議有應積極落實慢食意識,改善食物碳足跡及基因改造食品資訊不足之現況,提升食物生產者及消費者理念,公部門須打造公平交易平台,每個人都需善盡各自扮演的角色。 The current study adopted qualitative approach to collect data, and based on the literature review and interview, it investigated slow-food group’s awareness and perception toward the “slow food” in Taiwan. The results are as follow. First of all, keeping the original taste of food, understanding the sources of food and enjoying the pleasure of eating with others are the viewpoints toward “Good” food. Secondly, increasing the perceptions of food’s carbon footprint and genetically modified information, improving the quality of food and making the information public are the viewpoints toward “Clean” food. Thirdly, building sale platform to bring the producers and consumers together is the viewpoint toward“Fair” food, due to the influence of undersell, lack of profit, and limited marketing ability. Generally speaking, “Slow Food” helps to arouselocal cultural memories and happiness and to promote friendship, which is an inside-to-outside attitude to investigate food’s nature and value. Furthermore, several suggestions have been provided, such as ascertaining people’s awareness of slow food, improving food’s carbon footprint and the problems of lacking information of genetically modified food to make a fair trading platform.