本研究目的旨在瞭解〈環境教育法〉下所訂定的環境教育認證制度內涵及運作,分析台中都會公園環境教育規劃與執行現況,以及探討台中都會公園與環境教育機構及人員之間的互動模式,並運用Ansell 和 Gash (2008) 所提出的協力治理模式為研究架構基礎,來審視台中都會公園與相關的環境教育機構及環境教育人員之間所形成的協力夥伴關係。 本研究採用文獻分析和深度訪談法進行研究,以台中都會公園為研究場域,並以實際參與台中都會公園環境教育工作者為訪談對象,分析台中都會公園經過協力治理的互動過程,透過有效的溝通,建立雙向的合作關係,對提昇台中都會公園環境教育服務品質的影響情形。 研究結果顯示,以公私協力夥伴關係的觀點來看台中都會公園環境教育的實施,是良好完善的正向關係,夥伴間相互合作,不斷的提昇環境教育服務品質,因此台中都會公園實施環境教育產生好的協力治理結果,推廣環境教育有相當大的進步和成長。 根據研究結果本研究得到以下四個結論:(1)環境教育認證制度讓環境教育走向更專業、更多元。(2)台中都會公園環境教育的推展更完善。(3)公私協力夥伴的合作對台中都會公園實施環境教育有好的治理結果。(4)台中都會公園公私協力夥伴傾向水平互補、融合模式類型。 The purposes of this study were to understand the content and operation of the environmental education certification system under " Environmental Education Act" , to analysethe Environmental Education planning and implementation status of Taichung Metropolitan Park, and then to explore the interactions of staff between Taichung Metropolitan Park and Educational institutions. Furthermore, use the governance modelproposed by Ansell and Gash (2008) as the basisto examine third-party partnerships formed amongTaichungMetropolitanPark and related environmental educational institutions and environmental educator. The methods used in this study were document analysis and in-depth interview. The subject of this study were environmental educators who participated in the field of TaichungMetropolitanPark. The interviews helped to analysethe influences of the third-party interactive process of governance, effective communication and two-way cooperation relationship establishing to enhance service quality of environmental education in Taichung Metropolitan park. The result shows that ,according to the views of public-private partnerships cooperation,the environmental education implemented by Taichung Metropolitan Park was perfect and positive, the service quality of environmental education continuously improved through mutual cooperation between the partners. Therefore, Taichung Metropolitan Parkhad good performances in environmental education through public-private partnerships cooperation, and the public-private partnerships cooperationis helpful to promoted environmental education . This study presents four conclusions : (1) Certification system makes environmental education towards a more professional and diverse field. (2) The environmental education of Taichung Metropolitan Park promotes better popularity. (3) there is the positive effect on Taichung Metropolitan Park environmental eduction when public-private partnerships collaborate. (4) the type of the collaborative partners for the Taichung Metropolitan Park tends towards complem complementarity and integration model.