MIS Quarterly是資管領域頂級期刊,歷年收入了資管相關重要議題,隨著科技的進步,資訊及通訊科技(ICT)的運用已成為民眾生活最重要的一環,而ICT對於社會的影響也受MISQ頂級期刊的重視,並於2013年米蘭研討會當中將此議題提出探討,如此可知ICT對於社會影響的重要性。臉書在台灣,是最典型的資訊及通訊科技運用,在台灣臉書社交網站的使用成長速度是世界第一。支援社交活動,一直是臉書核心功能。而這樣的功能,使更多人有機會透過臉書進行社會議題討論並積極投入社會參與的運作。透過臉書社交媒介,可以參與興趣及議題的討論,闡述個人理念、思考,同時並分享文化、休閒、政治….等資源。臉書,作為新興社交媒介,似乎為身處中華文化「沉默是金」的華人提供了一個參與討論的管道。本研究以臉書使用者為研究對象,以社會認知理論的概念為研究架構之基礎,探討環境因素(科技特性形塑之科技環境及華人文化形塑之社會環境),對個人使用臉書參與虛擬社會活動之個人心理(自我揭露、自我呈現、社會互動焦慮)之影響,進而影響個人在虛擬及實體社會參與行為。研究結果發現:(1)ICT型塑之開放性,對於個人使用臉書之自我揭露呈負向影響;(2)中華文化型塑之面子,對個人使用臉書之自我呈現及社會互動焦慮,皆呈正向影響;(3) 中華文化型塑之社會支持,對個人使用臉書之自我呈現及自我揭露,皆呈正向影響;(4)個人使用臉書之自我呈現,對個人虛擬社會參與行為呈正向影響;(5)個人虛擬社會參與行為,對個人實體社會參與行為呈正向影響。研究結果顯示,ICT提供臉書這樣的社群平台,讓中華文化脈絡下的人可以在臉書的虛擬舞台中進行個人心理層面的表達,進而影響人們願意在臉書的虛擬社群當中進行虛擬的社會參與行為,而透過虛擬社會參與的增加,當人們從虛擬轉換回實體社會的同時,也能大幅提升中華文化下人們實體社會參與之意願。 Information Communicaton TechnologiesCTs (ICTs) are playing thethe most important role in people’s individual life. And and Facebook is the most typical onetechnology among them. The growth rate of Facebook usage in Taiwan has been ranked as the first in the world Facebook usage growth report.The usage growth of Facebook in Taiwan ranks first in the world. The core function of Facebook that Ssupportings social activities has been always its core function, through which people can participate in social discussions and social operation. AlsoIn addition, serving as a kind of social media, Facebook offers people the chance opportunity of getting involved in the public discussions they are interested in so that they can express individual their concepts andthought thinking as well as share different s in regarding cultures, entertainment, politics, and so on. The above mentioned Facebook’s functions chanllenge Taiwanese who have Chinese culture that value “Silence is golden” in social discussions. As a new media, Facebook seems to provide a channel of discussion for Chinese people who believe that “Silence is golden”. This study targets Taiwan Facebook users as objects to research study how environment (formed by technology and social network) influences a person’s psychology (self-disclosure, self-presentation, interactive tension) of joining participating virtual social discussions, thus affecting his behaviors in virtual and real societies. This research will be helpful for people to better understand in an person’s individual’s psychology while using ICTs to get access to the virtual society activities and then carry out the behaviorsapplying to the real society. As a result, The research findings have important theoretical and managerial implications.