隨著我國老年人口比率快速竄升,各種失能人口比率大幅增加,長期照護需求也隨之遽增,各縣市設置之長期照顧管理中心成為整合長期照顧服務資源的單一窗口,在國內探討長期照顧大多以照顧服務者、主要照顧者、照管專員的工作壓力、照顧經驗、個案研究、影響使用服務因素、人力探討、服務單位與政策演進等為研究對象,甚少以資訊系統來探討照管專員使用長照管理系統之相關研究,因此,探討照管專員使用長照管理系統之使用者滿意度就更值得去研究。 本研究目的在於了解照管專員使用長照管理系統使用者滿意度。因此本研究採用資訊系統成功模式作為研究基本模型,探討系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質和情緒勞務負荷四個要素對照管專員使用長照管理系統使用者滿意度之影響。 研究結果顯示:(1) 照管專員對長照管理系統的使用滿意度都抱持正面之態度,在照管專員基本資料方面,不同服務地區與照管專員對長照管理系統使用者滿意度有顯著影響;(2) 照管專員使用長照管理系統之「系統品質」正向影響照管專員「使用者滿意度」;(3) 照管專員使用長照管理系統之「資訊品質」正向影響照管專員「使用者滿意度」;(4) 照管專員使用長照管理系統之「服務品質」正向影響照管專員「使用者滿意度」;(5) 照管專員使用長照管理系統之「系統品質」負向影響長照管理專員「情緒勞務負荷」。 With the quick growing of the aged people population, every kind of disable people increase a lot and the need of the long-term care also raise. The long-term care centers in every county become the main source of the long-term care resource. When it comes to the long-term care in Taiwan, the main research issues are usually the care servants, the main caregivers, the care managers’ working pressure, caring experience, case studies, the factors affecting services, human resource, service units and the policy progression. The researches about how the care managers use the long-term system are seldom discussed. Thus, it’s worth doing research on the care managers’ satisfaction of the long-term care management system. The study is to realize the care mangers’ satisfactions of the long-term care management system. Therefore, Information System Success Model is applied as the basic research model to explore how the four factors, system quality, information quality, service quality and emotional labor load, influence the care managers’ satisfaction of the long-term care management system. The results indicate that:(1) The care managers’ attitude toward the satisfaction of the long-term care management systems is positive. To the care managers’ basic data, being in different areas would significantly affect the care managers’ satisfaction.(2) The system quality which the care managers use the long-term care management system would positively affect the users’ satisfactions.(3) The information quality which the care managers use the long-term care management system would positively affect the users’ satisfactions. (4) The service quality which the care managers use the long-term care management system would positively affect the users’ satisfactions.(5) The system quality which the care managers use the long-term care management system would positively affect the users’ emotional labor load.