這幾年當中刺青師已出現跟以往不同的樣貌,現今的刺青師大致可分為三大類:行事作風類於藝術家的藝術類型、以商業為考量的商業類型和追求傳統刺青價值的傳統類型,也由於刺青師的類型朝著多元化進行因而有新舊派別的產生。新舊派的分野可以從地緣性、經營方式、圖案風格分別看出,大體而言,舊派固守工藝本身,而新派刺青師則為刺青場域注入新的活力及新的元素;此外,女性刺青師的興起讓原是男性專司的場域有了柔性的因子,同時刺青師團體開始有組織化的行為,這些因素帶動刺青場域的活絡性,而刺青師角色上的變化也衝擊到場域的結構進而影響場域的競合關係,使得刺青場域有著跟以往不同的發展。這些變革所帶來的轉變,包括刺青去汙名化及市場化的可能性,而這兩者因素也彼此相互交叉影響,並帶給刺青文化新的發展面貌。本研究將從場域內刺青師的視野角度以及場域的競合關係去探討刺青(去)汙名及市場化的發展。 Nowadays, tattoo artists have become very different from former ones. They can be, in my analysis, classified into three types: artist-like, market-oriented and those of traditional style. Based on the pluralization of tattoo artists, the way of management of tattoo business differentiates into two kinds: that of the new trend and the traditional one, which can be clearly characterized by locality and tattoo style. General speaking, artistic technique is more important in the eyes of old-school tattooists, whilst modern tattooists emphasize fashion tattoo. Besides, the female tattoo artists also bring different feminine tastes into the tattoo market which has been dominated by male tattoo artists. In addition, tattoo artists start to organize themselves nowadays, which vitalizes the tattoo market and influences on the cooperation-competition relations between tattoo artists. All these create a totally new landscape of tattoo market: tattoo’s destigmatization and intensive marketization are getting stronger. This thesis explores the conditions and the reasons for the development of tattoo’s destigmatization and marketization of tattooing.