受到西洋殖民主義影響所及,百年來中國社會的教育制度變化不可謂不大。無論 是在學制、課程、教材、師生關係、教育目的等項目上,皆是以西洋為宗,極力模仿,全盤 接納。百年來的全盤西化,使我們對這套教育制度的妥適性不再存疑;然而,制度移植並不 見得能夠充份適用在原有社會中,近年來,各級教育皆已出現相當多問題,其中,尤以大學 教育最為垢病。然而,多年來習慣性的接受,使得我們不再反省文化與教育間的關係,僅將 教育制度客觀化,以期改變文化體系。這種作法逐漸喪本土文化的創造力,使得教育制度 淪為技術人員訓練課程,不再具有理想性格。當前高等教育無論在課程、教育理念上都應有 全面性反省。
Educational system in Chinese society has been changed rapidly by the influences of the Occidental colonialism in the past century. Academic institutions, curriculum, reading data, the relationship between instructor and pupil, the very goal of education, all these items were copied from the Western counterparts. Duplicated from other culture without questioning its adequacy, this implanted educational system has revealed itself many problems. The university system has heen criticized harshly recently. However, being accustomed to accept them all, people objectify the educational system in order to transform the cultural system without selfreflection. The creativity of native culture was truncated, and the educational system was degenerated to be technical training courses, no more idealistic characteristics. The institution of Higher education needs to be reflected entirely.