臺日關係作為冷戰結構鑲嵌在美國圍堵政策一環,成為亞太圈的次結構要素,儘管存在有日本的一中原則和兩岸關係的變化,使得臺日不得不在大環境下出現彼此不變的立場,但雙方卻又有對應變動的強韌性存在。臺日之間無論是以往的歷史經驗或是安保的一致性等,「絆」(kizuna)的情結在臺日關係比較容易呈現,有些看似倒退卻是因應外界環境所需的不得不然,部分交流層次不減反增。 The relation of Taiwan and Japan has been the important part within the policy of containment in U.S., and also be the important factor in Asia-Pacific substructure. Although there is one China principle in Japan and the relationship between Taiwan and China keep on changing which made both Taiwan and Japan has to adjust their positions both of them still keep strong tie between each other. No matter according to the historical experiences or the same strategies, the “kizuna” factor is much easier to tie Taiwan and Japan together. So even it has some difficulty in the relations between Taiwan and Japan under the macroscopic environment, but in fact the exchange relationship has been increased.