從客觀條件來看,中國和馬爾地夫在許多方面呈現懸殊的對比。但中國和馬爾地夫的雙邊關係在近年有明顯的進展,兩國的互動常被譽為是大小國家關係的典範。為進一步瞭解此議題,本文首先將回顧中馬關係的發展,並進而討論中國的經援外交及馬國的合作回饋。本文認為,馬爾地夫的地理位置攸關印度洋海上航道及中國的「一帶一路」計畫,對中國具有戰略價值;馬爾地夫則需要中國的投資及援助來強化經濟發展。這將是促進中馬關係進一步發展的動力。然而,印度等國家非常關注中國在此區域的行為。來自第三國的壓力將限縮馬爾地夫與中國關係的發展。 There is a sharp contrast between China and the Maldives. However, China- Maldives relations have developed significantly and the bilateral relationship is seen as a model of good relations among big and small Countries. In order to have a better understanding of this topic, the paper will first examine the development of China-Maldives relations, and then look into China’s aid diplomacy towards the Maldives and the latter’s reciprocal cooperation. This paper will argue, China has a strategic interest in the Maldives because the island country is located near crucial sea lanes in the Indian Ocean and is vital to China’s “One Belt One Road” initiative. Meanwhile, the Maldives need China’s investment and aids for its further developments. It is the momentums to further the bilateral relationship. However, countries such as India keep close watch over China's activities in the region. As a result, there is desire from the third party to limit the Maldives’ burgeoning relationships with China.