于右任在文學方面,詩、詞、曲、對聯、文章、手札、日記等,均有高明造詣。在書法方面,以推廣標準草書名世,而實則其行楷書及草書自具特色及多元風貌,也能兼顧書法藝術之學理及方法,值得深入探研。本文共分五節,除前言及結語之外,本論從其生命歷程及文學造詣,書法表現風格特色,文學與書法之交涉互動等三個層面,分別予以論述。于右任文學作品之形式方面,具有多元表現形態。尤其是詩歌表現,不拘文白,不受平仄、押韻束縛;又能體察社會脈動,貼近讀者接受能力,合乎文學進化的原則。另外,文學作品之內容方面,獨抒個性、懷抱,既有崇高理想、遠大目標;又有虛懷若谷,謙抑自持的高卓人格。于右任能以優美文字及不同文學體裁形式,表達理念內容及具體實施方法。又能以獨特的行楷書及標準草書,作為表達文字之媒介,其本人即是實踐書法理念之最佳典範。統合于右任文學造詣與書法藝術二者共同之處,為皆具革命精神,綜合運用多元藝術手法,同中求變,法古求新。不但回歸傳統,又有自我特色之堅持。其貴古不賤今的客觀態度,內容優於形式的正確抉擇,均值得吾人欣賞學習。 In this paper, the researcher analyzes both the styles of You-Ren Yu’s literature and also the multiple styles of his Chinese calligraphy. You-Ren Yu created the Standard Cursive Style Script Calligraphy in his time. But in fact, You-Ren Yu was a famous revolutionist in political area and an artist in the Chinese calligraphy in the early 20th century. In the paper, the researcher studied on the relationship between You-Ren Yu’s literature attainments and his Chinese calligraphy arts. The common trait was that You-Ren Yu infused the revolutionary spirits in his literature and his Chinese calligraphy arts. And he not only mastered on the cursive style script, but also on the running style script, regular script calligraphy. And he was famous on infusing his calligraphy styles into his creative classical poetry.