行之有年的「全國學生美術比賽」具有展現藝術教育成果、引領藝術教育風向的指標意義。本研究即以全國學生美術比賽國小高年級組繪畫類為研究對象,選取2002 年至2011 年得獎作品共140 件為研究樣本,一方面分析與歸納高年級學童之繪畫表現形式、內容與脈絡,一分面梳理歷屆評審委員之評論意見,以理解該競賽之評選標準與重點,進而推論臺灣藝術教育之主流美學趨勢。經圖像學分析與文件分析法,本研究發現,在研究範圍內的得獎作品多數符合以下特徵與評審標準:(1)主題清楚、畫面協調;(2)符合高年級學童之繪畫發展階段;(3)繪畫內容以社會類、鄉土題材居多;(4)理性與感性得平衡兼備。而為促進更豐沛的兒童創作動能,本研究建議兒童美術競賽單位、評審委員與藝術教師,宜藉由競賽與教學,鼓勵多樣的繪畫風格、多元的繪畫題材,及多種的媒材運用。 National Student Art Competition has for years played the role of both representing and leading art education in Taiwan. To understand the criteria for evaluationg children’s drawings and to infer mainstream aesthetic trend in Taiwanese art education, this research analyzes form, content, and context of awarded works as well as judges’ comments. Awarded works of 5-6th graders, 140 of them, from 2002 to 2011 are included in the study. Through iconographical and documentary analysis, this resarch identifies the following commoncharacteristics and standards found in and applied to judge the works: (a) themes are distinguishable and compositions are balanced; (b) forms of the works meet the mental and drawing development of 5-6th graders;(c) the paintings are characterized by local-cultural themes; (d) works should be both sensible and sensitive. To boost artmaking energy, the research recommeds hosts of future children’s art competition and practictioners in art education to encourage multiple style, content and media.