本文探討台灣環境運動在民主化階段(1993-1999)的發展。只有在政治機會不完全封閉與不完全開放的條件下,社會運動才能獲得持續發展的機會。本文認為,民主化導致了抗議處理的例行化、環境參與決策機制的不開放及舊政治聯盟者的轉型,這些因素的綜合促使了環境運動的制度化,而非衰退或轉型。制度化的概念是用來指涉這個事實:社會運動不再是政體轉型週期中的突發或偶然現象,而新民主體制裏頭的一個常態元素。同時,九○年代環境運動也積極回應制度化所帶來的可能性。運動者籌組政黨參與選舉,並且進行更廣泛的中層動員,以建構運動的自主性。本文最後討論制度化的若干限制與不滿。 This essay dealt with the development of environmental movements in the stage of democratic consolidation (1993-1999). From the Perspective of political sociology, the channeling of social interests depended on the political opportunity structure. The optimal political situation for the social movement consisted in the medium degree of openness. Democratization brought about routinization in policing of protests, partial opening of policy participation, and transformation of political alliance. These three factors precluded environ-mental movement from transforming into pressure group and also from its declining. Altogether, this period of development could be characterized as ”institutionalization”, that is, the social movement has become an integral element in the new democratic regime. This paper tried to sustain this argument with the statistics on the annual protest cases and newly formed environ-mental groups. In the end, how the institutionalization of social movement presented a new challenge for progressive politics was discussed.