對於早期的台灣環境運動(1980-1986),我們的主要分析焦點放在知識份子與草根的角色。外來的組織者,或說是知識份子,在社會運動中的角色經常被注意,他們被認為是重要的觸媒,促成運動的開展。研究者強調他們的重要性, 原因在於一般大眾常被認為是被動的、無法自發地發動社會抗議。然而,我們的質問正在於:是否草根民眾的自發性才是更重要的關鍵? 在本文中,我們認為環境運動在1987年解嚴之前的發展呈現了民間社會的主動性。我們將進一步分析三種與環境議題相關的人物:專家學者、黨外人士、草根民眾。專家學者與黨外人士兩者都屬於知識份子,但是他們對於環境議題的關切並沒有形成完整的社會運動,事實上,他們對於實際運動的介入是片面而間接的。相對於此,草根民眾以他們素樸的方式推動了環境運動的誕生。這個發現提醒我們應從更基層的角度來審視民間社會的興起過程。
This article takes a critical look at the early stages of Taiwanese environmentalism from 1980 to 1986. The primary research focus is on who initiated the tradition of ecological protests-were they intellectuals or grassroots organizers? The role of intellectuals is well documented in the social movement literature. However, as catalysts for mass revolt, we have found their importance overemphasized at the expense of spontaneous grassroots action. We analyzed the actions taken by scholar-experts, members of Taiwan's political opposition, and grassroots organizers engaged with local environmental issues. Though their approaches were different, individuals in the first two groups may be considered as intellectuals because of their public use of knowledge in their interventions. Our conclusion is that their combined contributions to the movement were very limited, and that it was local grassroots organizers who are most responsible for starting the movement.