This article explores the evolution of social movement politics under theDemocratic Progressive Party (DPP) government (2000–2004) by using theperspective of political opportunity structure. Recent “contentious politics” inTaiwan is analyzed in terms of four changing dimensions of the opportunitystructure. First, the DPPgovernment opens some policy channels,and socialmovement activists are given chances to work within the institution. Yet otherfeatures of the political landscape are less favorable to movement activists.Incumbent elites’political orientationshifts. As the economic recession setsin, there is a conservative policy turn. Political instabilityincurs widespreadcountermoblization to limit reform. Last, the Pan-Blue camp, now in opposi-tion, devises its own social movement strategy. Some social movement issuesgain political salience as a consequence of the intervention of the oppositionparties, but its excessive opportunism also encourages the revolt of antireformforces. As a result of these countervailing factors, social movements havemade only limited gains from the recent turnover of power.