彌陀淨土思想經典,宣揚念佛行持之餘,存在重視念佛人內在善根的面向。「不可以少善根福德因緣,得生彼國」,是世尊在彌陀淨土經說中,相當強調的往生淨土資糧。彌陀淨土具有「諸上善人俱會一處」,與鳥語行樹種種說法的依報莊嚴,以及國土無有三惡道的條件,同在表現彌陀淨土整體善根顯露的殊勝環境,此即往生彌陀淨土得見之果地功德。再從因地修行來看,念佛行人不分往生上下輩品,皆須發願生起無上菩提心作為修行本因,再藉念佛修行過程,除去累劫煩惱罪障,修集成就念佛生淨的目標。因此,無論從因地修行或是果地功德來看,往生彌陀淨土的必要條件,即在喚起念佛行人的內在善根,完成「是心是佛」的本性善根與佛心相應的大善根行。 In addition to advocate remembrance, Amitabha sutras tell many important things about disciples’ inner good roots. Sakyamuni emphasized that “not less good roots, Crawford, karma, too Shengbi country” in Amitabha sutras. There are birds and trees telling dharma, and charitable persons coming together (“Gain and a case of Zhu on the good will all”) in Amitabha’ pure land. All these phenomena represent that there are kind-hearted people living in Amitabha’s peaceful pure land. On the other hand, “Supreme Bodhi Heart” is necessary to disciples. If disciples combine “Supreme Bodhi Heart” with remembrance to practicing process, they will escape from kleśa, and achieve their target. Therefore, no matter the state of practicing or the resulting of merits’ view, disciples’ inner good roots are necessary to reborn in pure land. Through their inner good roots’ guidance, disciples will correspond with the Buddha's heart, reach the “this mind is Buddha” realm.