樸門永續設計和慢食運動都是知名的國際運動,兩者異口同聲反對工業化、反對跨國企業,同時支持傳統生活方式。跨國速食文化除了衝擊傳統飲食,對農業生產也發生巨大影響。慢食運動認為,唯有教育消費者正確的飲食習慣,才是改變農民生產方式的關鍵因素;樸門永續設計則是由農家著眼,教育農民如何有效率地兼顧生產、生計、與生活。兩者理念及推行方式的比較是本文研究的重點。 Permaculture and the Slow Food movement are well-known international movements. Both of them fight against industrialization and globalization, while supporting traditional ways of life. In addition to the impact on traditional diet, multinational fast food has also undergone a tremendous influence on agricultural production. Slow Food Movement believes that to change the way farmers make production, the proper education of diet plays as the key; Permaculture, on the other hand, gears towards the education of farmers on managing production, livelihood,and life efficiently. Comparison between the concepts and the implementation approaches is discussed in this study.