隨著醫療水準的進步,民眾對於健康的追求已經不止於疾病的治療,相對的,疾病的預防更是民眾追求的目標,隨著民眾對個人健康的期待不斷提升,因此健康照護服務逐漸地被商品化來滿足人們追求健康的渴望,而健康照護服務的品質也逐漸被民眾所重視。由於民眾對於時間管理的重視,顧客在健康照護服務中所花費的等待時間,更是成為提升服務品質的一個重要指標,因此各醫療院所無不致力於縮短客戶在服務流程中的等待時間;有鑑於此,本研究以等候理論檢視北市某健檢中心之等候時間,並藉由流程分析,提升改善流程降低等候時間之方法。 Due to the rising medical service that is accompanied with the rapid economic development, people expect the better medical service. In the meantime, medical service is treated as goods to satisfy people and the quality of medical service is paid attention by people. Due to the importance of schedule management, the waiting time for medical service has been treated as a quality index of medical service and hospital also focus on the way to decrease the waiting time of patient for promoting the quality of medical service. Therefore, this study analyzes the waiting time of health evaluation center in Taipei and analyzes the process of health evaluation for providing the suggestion to decrease the waiting time and promote the quality of medical service.