本研究針對國立編譯館新編之國語科第二冊教材進行試用學校教師之意見調查分析。試用教材涵蓋國語科第二冊課本,習作甲、乙及教學指引,試用學校涵蓋全國四十八所國民小學,每校選擇一年級二個班級進行教材試用。試用期間從民國八十五年二月至同年七月止。本研究除採用問卷調查法外,並採用座談方式以深入瞭解試用教師之試用狀況。整體而言;此試用教材課本、指引與習作能互相配合,難易程度適中,獲得試用教師之肯定,然而,試用中亦發現第二冊編列六大單元,共計二十課,課文內容似嫌太多,以第二學期實際教學約為16週之情形下,教學進度會較倉促,亦無法徹底達到教學目標。本研究尚針對各課提出詳實之試用意見,俾供編輯委員賡續修訂之參考。 The study investigated the viewpoints from teachers who involved in a pilot teaching program from Feburary to July of 1996. The new version of Chinese language textbook, the practice books (A and B), and the teaching manual which were compiled by National Institute for Compilation and Translation were the main teaching materials in this research. The participation schools included forty-eight elementary schools. The questionnaire method and seminar method were used in this investigation to understand the real opinion on the new teaching materials. The results show that the teaching materials were widely accepted by the elementary schools teachers and that the degree of difficulty was suitable for the students. However, twenty lessons which were devided into six main units were included in Vol.2 of the new version textbooks. It seems too much content for only sixteen teaching weeks in the second semester. The teaching goals may not be completely achieved in practical teaching. The details and practical suggestions for each lesson were also summarized in this report.