電子化政府作為政策工具之一,主要宗旨在於利用資訊與通訊科技(ICTs)提高治理績效與效能。自從美國推動NPR行政改革後,如何有效結合電子化政府落實公共管理的理想與目標,隨著公共管理浪潮的推進,成為全球西方各主要政府的工作重點之一。對於電子化政府的討論,往往著重在於行政績效、公共服務品質的提升,甚至論及審議式民主、數位民主的議題。本文主要關切議題為中國大陸的電子政務推動的方向與成果為何?同時,為了可以有一考察與比較的基礎,本文略過政治與制度差異性的角度,由「電腦化管理類型」此一理論框架,考察中國大陸電子政務過去十年的發展軌跡。希望通過這樣的考察,可以做為未來兩岸電子化政府議題比較的基礎。 E-government, regarded as one of the policy means, aims at enhancing the administrative performance and effect by using the information and ICTs. While NPR administrative reformation is promoting in the U.S., governments around the world pay more and more attention on how to combine the concept of E-government and public management and policy. Generally, the discussion of E-government is nothing more than the performance of administration, the quality of public services, deliberative democracy and digital democracy. In this paper, the orientations and the achievements of E-government affairs in Mainland China in the last decade would be deeply concerned. Moreover, in order to having a more solid basis for comparison, the differences in politics and government systems would be skipped over, and come to the point via the theoretical framework of “computerized management types”. I hope this kind of investigation and examination would provide a practical comparative foundation on the issue of E-government on both sides of straits in the future.