本論文結合新聞敘事學和情感敘事學兩種研究方法,以中國主流媒體《人民日報》為例,針對2013 年4 月20 日中國四川蘆山地震的災難新聞,探討中國媒體如何情緒性地敘說新聞故事,以及其背後的意識型態。藉由檢視這種故事中的「英雄」形象的形塑過程,本文關注其被用作情緒動員以達到政治控制這一現象。此外,本文也將這一敘事結構置於中國的社會脈絡之中,分析其意涵。 This paper is inspired by the news about the earthquake taken place in Sichuan province, Lushan county, the south-western part of China on April 20th, 2013. Taking a representative Chinese official media named People’s Daily as an example, the paper explores how Chinese media narrate stories emotionally and analyses the embedded ideology in the news. It aims at observing the process of shaping heroic image and discussing political control through emotional mobilisation. In addition, it analyses the social significance of this narrative structure.