本文關注文化全球化對台灣人日常生活的影響。全文採用《台灣社會變遷調查》資料,以「接受遠方事物」為主要變項,分析文化全球化如何進入在地常民的生活。論證可分為三個層次,1、描述性統計:指出台灣人對於「接受遠方事物」具有被動性。2、多元迴歸分析:指出「教育」對接受遠方事物有高度解釋力。3、路徑分析:指出「教育」是透過「認知態度」而對人們對於「接受遠方事物」產生影響。這些發現,理論上呼應全球化是對一種對外在世界的「認知方式」變化的結果,也表示人們吸取更多的抽象知識、以應付愈加系統性的世界,也與人際互動愈來愈遠。 This article discussed the topic about the impacts of cultural globalization on the everyday life in Taiwan. It adapts the data of Taiwan Social Change Survey to analyses how the cultural globalization enter into the everyday life of ordinary people. The argument is divided into three levels, 1, Descriptive statistics: points out the Taiwanese accept “the distant things" passively. 2. Multiple regression analysis: points out that "education" is the strongest variable to explain the acceptance of diatant things. 3, Path analysis: figures out that the "cognitive attitude" about the distant things played an important role on the education’s impact. These findings echos the theorey that the cultural globalization results from the cognitive change instead of the econmic change, and also means that people learn more abstract knowledge, instead of personal interactions, to cope with the increasingly systematic world.