摘要: | 本研究主要探討網路時代中的新聞倫理議題,新聞媒體將網友視為消息來源,然而,網路言論與新聞報導文字所產生的話語權力對於被報導當事人來說很可能是一種傷害。在台灣,尤其是關乎個人隱私緋聞類的新聞,女性常會被媒體以不公平的角色刻劃對待,而這些來源有很多是來自於網友,媒體與網友共舞形成報導的合法性詐術,將網友的意見表達成社會認可的意見,吸引更多人參與事件的評論。本研究研究結果認為,網路時代的新聞報導為:一、網路促使話語權力產生的象徵性暴力更猖獗,再經由媒體的報導,使得符號展現的力量對於被報導當事人是不公平的。二、網路時代的媒體以「接力賽跑式」的方式接續網友的評論,而未盡到把關的責任,媒體濫用所擁有的新聞自由與可信任度,與網友共舞互利將批評與主觀的言論擴展至新聞中。三、媒體將主觀的意見呈現於報導中,即便有採訪當事人給予澄清機會,媒體還是會以諷刺或輕蔑的描寫方式,將「自我想像的框架」強加到報導事件中。本研究提出話語權力於媒體中的施展除了與網友共舞形成合法的詐術之外,媒體所具有的資本優勢場域在執行一項報導時,將閱讀率的利益凌駕於當事人權益之上,這不僅損害新聞價值也可能形成媒體殺人的悲慘局面。 This study is about the journalism ethical issues in the Internet age. Internet promotes freedom of speech, but also causes information chaos, invasion of privacy, and wrong perceptions etc. There are so many biases, scandals, gossips, and privacies in the Internet forum. Journalists always adopt those extreme, sensational, unfair and harmful opinions that appeared in the Internet without caring about news professional responsibility and doing harms to others by their reports, as well as shaping incorrect public cognitions of news events. This study has three conclusions of the journalism ethical issues in the Internet age: 1. Language and Symbolic Power: the unfair criticisms, prejudiced are glut in the Internet, and journalists use those in their report contents. 2. A relay race mode: journalists pay more attentions about ratings, and throw up their responsibility, they follow net pals, use their comments, sometimes are subjective and sensational, Journalists and net pals are sharing, cooperating to achieve mutual benefits. Their benefits and pleasures are building upon the persons who are involved in news events. 3. A self-image framing: Journalists’ news reports are sometimes quite subjective and deliberately hostile. Although the person who is involved in a news story denies or has some explanations about the story line, he or she may still be described unfairly in news reports. It is the “ imaginary framing” adopted by journalists that invades news characters’ privacies in a shameless way. We should review the journalism ethics and professionalism, and ask journalists to be gatekeepers, not rumormongers. |