中法自1964年建交以來,在各領域皆維持密切關係,但亦屢因人權、民主等價值觀之見解不同,致生摩擦。習近平執政後,於國際外交上展現強勢作風,中法關係頓生變數。準此,法國各界之看法為何?本文經分析資料後,發現法國官方、輿論及學界看法分歧。官方對於中國人權和民主議題,採過去刻意模糊的做法;對於中國崛起,則是樂觀其成。輿論嚴厲譴責中國人權和民主狀況不佳,但對於中國崛起,則是無奈地承認中國日愈強大。學界認為中法兩國對於人權議題無須多言,但中國境內民主情況已有改善;至論中國崛起,則是悲觀地認為法國僅能正視現實地接受。綜合法國各界對中法關係的看法,可發現縱使法國各界總是批判中國在人權、民主等方面未臻理想,惟在經濟疲弱的現實下,法國勢必日愈仰賴中國。 A relation between China and France has been good since 1964. However, because of the different views on human rights and democracy, there is conflict between the two countries. From Xi Jinping is his ruling that showed aggressive on diplomacy. But French people how to treat that? First, French officials do not pay attention to China's human rights and democracy issues, and they are optimistic about China's rise. Second, public opinion strongly condemns as China's poor human rights and democracy situation, but is accepting reluctantly for the rise of China. Academia thinks that China and France don’t need to discuss human rights issues, and the situation democracy in China has improved. On the rise of China, it is pessimistic that France only to face reality to accept. A foregone conclusion, even France always criticizes China on human rights and democracy, as a result of weak economy, France will be more dependent on China.