本研究基於《中小學國際教育白皮書》的訂定與執行,探討國際教育相關議題,並以臺中市三所國民小學實際執行情形做研究對象。政策利害關係人如何評價與看待,是本研究的主軸。透過回應性評估理論,探究利害關係人(包括計畫申請者、執行者與受益者)的主張、關切與爭議,採用的是文獻分析法及深度訪談法。本研究發現利害關係人對於國際教育政策的認知、理解之間有很大的落差,政策仍有許多不足與待改進之處,本文最後據此提出幾項政策改進建議供省思。 Thisstudy analyzes the themes of international education for primary and secondary schools based on the White Paper. It also discusses the issues of the implementations in schools. How the relevant policy stakeholders evaluate its performance becomes a subject of the study. This study based on responsive evaluation theory explores viewpoints of claims, concerns, and issues responded from policy stakeholders, including applicants, executives, and beneficiaries through research methods of literature review and in-depth interview for more understanding of this policy. This study found that each stakeholder has differences in opinion and drop in awareness for understanding and interpretation about the content of “international education”; the gap reflects several inadequacies on the policy. This study provides some relevant policy suggestions.