2011年日本外海發生規模9.0的大地震,伴隨地震而來的海嘯侵襲造成位於福島的核電廠受損洩漏輻射。日本的這次核災連帶引起臺灣的反核聲浪,排山倒海的壓力最終也終於迫使政府將核四封存,留待日後再決定是否運轉。然而,此次核災所造成的立即損害遠遠不如地震、海嘯所直接造成的,為何臺灣的輿論是談核色變,卻對更具破壞力的海嘯與地震無動於衷呢?固然,輻射外洩真正的危險是長期的健康損害,但是與輻射比較起來,不健康的飲食與生活習慣,導致的損害卻更大得多,臺灣的輿論為何又不在乎呢?更啟人疑竇的是,臺灣反核輿論的高峰,並不在2011年當年而是在三年之後,這又是為什麼呢?究竟臺灣輿論為何會反核?這是本研究欲探究的問題。對此,本文主張,臺灣的反核聲浪其實是出於資訊的不足,且受到政治意識型態的操弄。在有更多資訊且不受政治意識型態影響的情況下,臺灣反核的輿論會有所改變。本文實際進行網路問卷調查,結果證實了本文的推論。 2011 Japanese earthquake/tsunami and the following nuclear disaster in Fukushima create a strong anti-nuclear public opinion in Taiwan. Thus, the government was forced to seal the nuclear power plant at Dragon Gate, wavering its final decision.However, the immediate damage caused by the nuclear disaster is far less than earthquake/tsunami. Why should we be scared by the nuclear disaster rather than the huge destructiveness of earthquake and tsunami? Indeed, the real danger of nuclear disaster is the long-term health risk caused by radiation,but the health risk of unhealthy diet and lifestyle are actually far greater than those from radiation. Since we can accept unhealthy diet and lifestyle, why can’t we accept nuclear power? Moreover, the climax of Taiwanese anti-nuclear public opinion was not in 2011 but in 2014, three years later. Whywas it? This article addresses all these puzzles and argues that, Taiwanese anti-nuclear public opinion is the product of unknowing and political manipulation. With more information and without political ideology, Taiwanese anti-nuclear public opinionwill change. This argument is confirmed by the internet questionnaire survey of this article.