佛陀以無價之寶佛教賜予人類,人類應在人間落實佛學之識轉成智以回報佛陀。人間佛教組織就是在人間教化如何將識轉化成智的組織。此組織本身須先有,如何將自己組織識轉化成組織智的本事,才可能具備教化他人之識如何轉化成智的能力。其中組織的本事可以分為俗義本事與勝義本事。俗義本事是:論述組織對淨化人心的貢獻,它包括組織為何可接受社會捐獻,並可免稅經營佛教相關事業的道理。勝義本事是:依據佛教義理,教化他人識轉智的能力與智慧。 Buddha has given Buddhism, the priceless treasure, to humankind. Therefore, humankind should transform knowledge of Buddhism into wisdom of Buddhism on Earth to repay Buddha. A Humanistic Buddhist Organization is the organization which instructs humankind in how to convert knowledge into wisdom on Earth. This organization has to possess the capacity of transforming knowledge of organization into wisdom of itself before teaching humankind how to turn knowledge into wisdom. The capacity includes conventional truth and ultimate truth. Conventional truth is about the contributions of organizations which purify the heart of humankind. It elaborates the reason why a organization can accept donations from the society and run its Buddhism-related business with exemption form taxes. Ultimate truth means to teach humankind how to transform knowledge into wisdom according to the Augmentation of Buddhism.