近年來兒童繪本閱讀蔚為風潮,全台公私立繪本館如雨後春筍般設立,故本研究旨在探討他里霧繪本館遊客生活型態、參與動機與滿意度之現況分析,針對遊客不同背景之間的差異,進行相關性分析研究。 本論文採問卷調查法形式,以「生活型態量表」、「參與動機量表」與「滿意度量表」為研究工具,本調查共發出問卷260份,回收有效問卷250份,回收率96%。進行統計分析,並透過schffe’s法進行事後檢定,研究結果發現:他里霧繪本館的遊客大多為30~39歲已婚之女性,職業為一般上班族;子女數以2人居多;目的多為親子閱讀,大多為雲林在地人。他里霧繪本館遊客的生活型態,以「嘗試新知」型態最多。他里霧繪本館遊客的參與動機,以「經驗成長」為主;其次為「休閒放鬆」,「休閒新知」為最後。他里霧繪本館遊客的滿意度,以「活動體驗」滿意度最高;其次「設施規劃」,以「環境規劃」的滿意度得分低。針對他里霧繪本館遊客之不同生活型態在參與動機方面部分達顯著差異。針對他里霧繪本館遊客的生活型態及參與動機對滿意度達顯著相關。 In recent years, children's picture book is a growing trend, and many public and private painting museums are established. So the purpose of study was to analyze the Lifestyle, Motivation and Satisfaction of Taliwu Library visitors,and compare the diffirences between different visitors. This paper includes “Scale of Lifestyle”, “Scale of Motivation “and “Scale of Satisfaction”. The total of filled out questionnaires were 260 ,and 250 of them are valid questionnaires: the recovery 96 %. After statistical analysis,and Scheffe’ post-hoc, the results we found: The visitors of Taliwu Library are most married women, 30 to 39 years old. Most of their occupation is worker with two children. The purpose to go to this museum is for parent-child reading, and most of them live in Yunlin. The lifestyl of Taliwu Library visitors is “try new knowledge”. The motitation of Taliwu Library visitors are to "Experience Growth" as the most; secondly to "Relax", "Leisure Awakening" as the last. The highest satisfaction of Taliwu Library is "experience" and "environmental planning" as following. The different lifestyles of visitors has a significant difference with motivation. The different lifestyles and motivation has a significant relevance with satisfaction.