由於少子化的趨勢,臺灣的出生率持續下滑,但是臺灣父母在子女身上的投資,與對教育的重視與日俱增,更加重視孩子的教育和學習,對於養育子女的資訊需求隨之增多。依據2012年雜誌銷售排行榜(文化部,2013),親子天下雜誌在親子育樂類的銷售排行榜佔居第1名,可見親子天下雜誌是關心教養、教育之讀者的重要資訊來源。因此本研究以親子天下雜誌為研究對象。本研究旨在運用內容分析法探討親子天下雜誌2012~2014年度所報導之文章,整理出各議題分布的比例,瞭解其內容特色,並分析親各議題報導的主軸方向。 研究結果發現,親子天下雜誌主要側重的主類目議題是「家庭與教養」及「學習與教育」,二者合計達總文章總篇數的65.1%,而次類目部分出現次數最多的前五名依序為「教養觀點」、「教學資訊」、「教育議題」、「休閒活動」、「保健資訊」,與邱華鑫(2008)的研究結果,家長最需要的親職教育內容為「建立良好教養子女的知能與技術」及林晏瑢(2008)的研究發現,家長最需要的親職教育活動內容為「瞭解有關幫助兒童有效學習的方法」相符合。 親子天下雜誌在報導議題的企劃上具有一致性,並且透過專題及系列的方式,對議題進行深入的報導,從各個角度提供詳細的資訊給讀者,是一本定位明確的專業雜誌,建議親子天下雜誌能繼續維持其議題企劃的一致性。 The purpose of this study is to analyze the distributionsand frequencies ofarticle issuesin CommonWealthParenting Magazine.In 2012, this magazine was top of sales charts of parenting magazines. The research utilized themethod of content analysis to examine the theme characteristics of the articlesfrom the thirty-third to the sixty-third issues.The categories for parenting information needare based on the contents of Family Education Act in Taiwan and other relative parenting education research. There are some findings in this researh. First, in the main category, the articlesmainlyfocused on “family and upbringing”and“learning and education”.Second, in secondary category, “upbringingview” has the most frequency, and the followings are “teachinginformation”, “educationtopics”,“leisure activities”, and then“health care information.” The findings meet to the conclusions of the other parenting education researchs.Third, the arrangement of article issues in CommonWelth Parenting Magazineis consistent in 2012-2014. On the whole, CommonWelth Parenting Magazine is professional, it provides detailed informations in different points of view to readers through in depth coverage.The magazine should maintain the arrangement of article issues.