本研究以「台灣青少年成長歷程研究」計畫中2007年大學二年級樣本為研究對象,旨在探討大學就讀階段的學生對於休閒參與與自我評價之間的相互關聯性,並將樣本的群體性(群體活動傾向)及健康狀態納入對自我評價的影響探討。研究方法以描述性統計(次數統計、百分比)、皮爾森相關係數、相關係數t檢定等統計方法進行資料比對,研究結果發現:一、 大學生從事球類、游泳等各種運動的比例相當高,與自我評價的關聯為高度正相關,t檢定數值亦為顯著。二、 本研究中從事登山、郊遊和健行做為休閒活動者僅佔17.36%。由此顯示大多數大學生對於戶外的休閒活動參與度較低,可能因為時間、金錢的限制或是設備、交通等考量,難以擴張至更多動態或戶外活動。三、 大學生參與藝文休閒活動的比例與其他活動比較後相對偏低許多,反映了大學生普遍對於人文的素養,藝術鑑賞較為缺乏。雖然與自我評價相關係數皆為正面反應,但t檢定數值偏低,較為不顯著,參考價值低。 This study aims to explore the relevance between the leisure participation and self-evaluation of college students, and discusses how the sample group (The tendency of group activities) and their health status impact their self-evaluations. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics(frequency statistics and percentage), Pearson correlation coefficient and test statistic come from questionnaires filled out by sophomores from Taiwan Youth Project in 2007. A summary of the findings is shown below:1. The proportion of college students engaged in the sports activities such as ball games and swimming is quite high, which is significant correlated with their self-evaluations. T-test also reaches a level of significance.2. The study shows that those choosing mountain climbing, hiking and trekking as leisure activities accounted for only 17.36%, which indicates that most college students have lower participation in outdoor leisure activities. It is difficult to include more dynamic or outdoor activities probably due to the limitation of time and money or the consideration of equipment and transportation.3. Compared to other activities, the proportion of college students' participation in art leisure activities is relatively low, which reflects a lack of art appreciation and humanistic literacy. Although the correlation coefficients of self-evaluation indicate a positive relationship with the above results, T-test does not reach a level of significance, which is with low value of reference.