本研究旨在探討恢復性鄰里公園模式語言,採取非參與式觀察法及半結構式訪談蒐集實證資料。觀察以「環境互動」為重點,紀錄使用者的社會屬性、使用時段、位置與活動;訪談以「環境偏好」為主軸,了解使用者與環境的互動方式。研究發現運動、社交及環境體驗是使用者達到身心恢復之主要途徑,自然元素是最多人偏好的公園環境因子。本研究發展51 組恢復性鄰里公園之模式語言,分類為「規劃定位」、「真正的整體」、「促進身心靈的恢復」、「自然元素」、「公園分區」、「動線系統」、「結構物」與「自然的力量」。恢復性環境強調人與環境之互動以達到身心靈的恢復,本研究希望透過恢復性鄰里公園模式語言之探討,促進未來更多相關之學術實務研究與設計思維之討論。 The study aims to explore the pattern language of restorative neighborhood parks. Data were collected by non-participant observation and semi-structure interviews. Observation emphasizes how people use the park, recording users’ demographic data, time sessions, locations and activities. Interviewing focuses on environmental preferences, understanding the way of people interacting with parks. The findings show that there are three ways for people to promote the health, including exercise, social activities, and environment experiences. Natural elements are the most attractive factor in the environment of parks. The research develops 51 patterns of the restorative park, classified into “planning orientation”, “enhancement of park integrity”, “restoration of health”, “natural elements”, ”park zoning” “circulation systems”, “structures” and “natural power”. Restorative environment emphasizes the enhancement of interaction between people and environment to promote health. The research hopes the exploration of the pattern language can promote related academic and practical studies and design philosophy discussion.