國立海洋生物博物館為台灣最大的水族展覽館,在各家水族展覽館經營困難的情勢之中,每年仍能皆有百萬以上的參觀人次,顯示國立海洋生物博物館必定有其獨特之處。因此本研究以國立海洋生物博物館為研究基地,進行遊客滿意度問卷調查,以探討民眾對於水族展覽館的看法、喜愛的展示模式以及服務品質滿意度。本研究於2012年1月至2月進行網路及現場問卷調查,共回收391 份問卷。調查結果顯示對遊客來說,國立海洋生物博物館是一個可以看到許多水生生物,體驗與平日生活所見不同環境的學習場所。在展示模式方面,遊客偏好在整體營造展示主題氣氛的展示廳中觀賞真實的水生生物,對於真實生物的興趣大於虛擬實境。在服務品質方面遊客普遍給予持平的評價,遊客可以體會國立海洋生物博物館在展場設計及解說等博物館專業上的用心,唯獨餐飲、購物等商業服務仍有待加強。 National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium is the largest aquarium in Taiwan. When the other aquariums hard to carry on their business, there are also over a million visitors go to the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium must have its unique features. This research takes the questionnaire survey the opinions of aquarium, the favorite exhibition mode, and the satisfaction of service quality in National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. This research takes the questionnaire survey in internet and site in January to February 2012, and collected 391 questionnaires. By the result, the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium is one you can see many aquatic organisms, learning different things from daily life. In exhibition mode, visitors preference the exhibition hall where are create themes to watch the real aquatic organisms. They are interesting for real biological more than virtual reality. In service quality, they give a fair evaluation. Visitors can experience the attentively in exhibition design and interpretation, but the commercial services still need to be increased.