本研究旨在探討跨國婚姻家庭幼兒在公立國小附設幼兒園的學校適應歷程、影響適應的因素及周遭相關人員協助其適應之因應策略。本研究採質性研究之個案研究法,以參與觀察、錄影、訪談及文件蒐集等多元方式蒐集相關資料,並以三角驗證法從多元觀點分析及歸納研究資料。研究發現如下:一、語言是影響個案學校適應的重要因素;班級教師在個案學校適應中扮演核心角色;公立國小附設幼兒園教學正常化有助於個案之學校適應。二、良好的社會互動是個案學校適應的助力;家長學經歷背景影響教養觀念的實現;善用社區資源豐富個案的學習;優先入學政策有助於個案之學習適應。三、個案透過觀察並主動調整與他人相處策略;教師鼓勵與正向支持的態度縮短個案學校適應時間;同儕的包容與協助有助於個案之學校適應;家長積極參與班級活動及良好親師溝通使個案學校適應順遂。 This research aims to explore a transnational marriage child’sschool adjustment process,factors influencing his adjustment, and strategies the people surrounging him used to help him adjustin an affiliated preschool of a public elementary school. Employing qualitative research method, data were collected through participant observation, video recording, interviews and related documents collection. Data were also continually analyzed and triangulated to identify the themes concerning this child’s school adjustment. Major findings are as follows: 1. Language is a key factor and theteachers play an integral role in the adjustment process. In addition, developmental appropriate curriculum helps this child adjust to the schoolenvironment. 2. Factors affecting child’s adjustment include interactions among children, parents’ education and work experience, the use of community resources and the government policy. 3. This child observes others and modifies his ways of social interactions accordingly. Teachers’ encouragement, peer support, parents’ active participantion and positive collaboration between the school and family help smooth the adjustment process.