本論文旨在研究印心宗第二代傳人王驤陸(相六)居士的佛學思想,以及探討其經典詮釋之特色。研究方法採用傅偉勳先生的「創造的詮釋學」研究法。論述了王驤陸之生平學術發展,及其與印心宗之關係。王驤陸居士的佛學思想,重圓融、重次第、重修證,解經不依文解義,並以此評論佛教各宗,如淨土宗、禪宗、密宗。王驤陸居士在弘法時注解了許多經典,唯部分著作於文革時散佚。其注經重視分品,頗有其特色。 The aim of this article is to investigate the Buddhist ideology of Householder Wang﹐Xiangliu, the second patriarch of the Yinxin sect of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, and explore his interpretations of the characteristics of the Classics. This study uses professor Fu﹐ Weihsun's "Creative Hermeneutics" for research. Discussion is on Wang﹐Xiangliu's lifelong academic development and its relationship to the Yinxin sect. Householder Wang﹐ Xiangliu's Buddhist ideology attaches great importance to harmony, order, and correction, and a flexible interpretation of holy texts, in writing his commentaries on Buddhist sects such as Pure Land Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism. In his preaching, he explains many of the the Classics, though many of his writings were lost in the Cultural Revolution. A special feature of his teachings on the holy texts is the emphasis on grading and accommodating practitioners of all ability and aptitude.