本研究旨在探討嘉義縣國民小學運用社會福利資源協助新住民子女就學之執行概況、影響因素及其所遭遇到的困境。本研究採質性研究法,除透過文獻分析瞭解目前政府協助新住民子女就學之社會福利措施與類型外,並藉由半結構式實地訪談嘉義縣內三所個案學校行政人員、老師、新住民家長。取得研究資料後,進行研究。 本研究希望藉此了解目前政府有關協助新住民子女就學的政策並了解基層學校行政、老師執行的情形、學校面臨的困難與因應策略,與新住民家長的意見與看法。並分別對教育行政機關、學校行政、學校老師提出相關建言,以供參考。 The thesis discussed factors that affect the function and the predicaments of social welfare and resource assisting the education of the new immigrants’ children in the elementary schools of Chiayi County. This research was aimed to understand the governmental policies about the education of the new immigrants’ children, the enforcement situation of the school administration staffs and teachers, the predicaments which the schools faced and the strategies to cope with. The thesis used qualitative research method, through secondary data and document analysis to portray the measures and categories of social welfare and resource currently set to assist the education of the new immigrants’ children. This thesis also conducted semi-structured interview to obtain opinions of school administration staffs, teachers and new immigrants parents. The research concluded with suggestions to the governmental educational agency, school administration staffs, and teachers and provided comments for further research.