本研究採用質性研究法,以嘉義縣偏遠地區的一所國民小學為研究場域,探究偏遠地區學童學校生活適應情形。研究的樣本選取偏遠地區學校三到六年級學童、家長與導師為訪談對象,採半結構式深度訪談、參與觀察、文件蒐集等方式進行研究。 本研究之結論發現偏遠地區學童在個人心理層面的學校生活適應,多元化的學習情境有利於增強偏遠地區學童的學習動機,偏遠地區學童不僅具有良好自我概念,且情緒表達穩定。在人際關係層面的學校生活適應,學校教師是影響偏遠地區學童適應的重要因素,且偏遠地區學生少,學童都很珍惜能和同儕一起互動的機會,偏遠地區學童與同儕互動良好。在課業學習層面的學校生活適應,偏遠地區學童學習成績表現優秀而平均,並有往上進步的潛力,學童學習態度良好,積極參與學校課程。偏遠地區學童本身能否自我要求將成為學校生活適應關鍵。 最後,本研究針對學校教育提出學校應積極推動親職教育,讓家長賦權增能;重視多元文化教育,實施適性輔導的建議。針對家庭教育提出積極參與孩子的學習,發揮親師合作的功效;建立友善的親子關係,促進良好溝通管道的建議。針對政府單位提出落實家庭教育法令,建立正確的家庭觀念;推動假日學校方案,辦理多元社團才藝學習的建議。針對未來研究提出進行長期性觀察的研究;加強不同地區的比較研究的建議。 The objective of this study is to investigate the campus life adaptation of elementary school students in the remote areas of Chiayi County. A qualitative research was conducted and the sample of this study included the third-graders to sixth-graders, their parents, and teachers. The methods of semi-structured depth interview, participant observation and the documentary collection were conducted. The conclusion of the study included three aspects. As to campus life adaptation in terms of psychology, multicultural learning will enhance students’ learning motivations. The children of the remote areas are not only good self-concept, but also are steady emotional expressions. As to campus life adaptation in terms of interpersonal relationship, teachers play important roles on children’s campus life adaptation. Students cherish the opportunities of interaction with their peer due to less students in remote areas, and also with good peer-interaction good. As to campus life adaptation in terms of learning, students with good academic performance, learning attitudes and classes attendance. The children themselves are the keys to the campus life adaptation. Finally, the conclusion of this study makes suggestions for school education, family education and government agencies. As for future research, a long term conservative and comparative research in different areas may be considered.