本研究旨在探討領導風格、工作壓力與離職傾向的影響。以一般求職者為研究對象,並採用非隨機的便利抽樣方法進行問卷調查,共發放問卷214份,回收212份,有效問卷回收率達99%,本問卷資料以因素分析、信度分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸等方法進行資料分析,獲得以下結果:1.領導風格對工作壓力有負向顯著影響。2.領導風格對離職傾向有負向顯著影響。3.工作壓力對離職傾向有正向顯著影響。4.工作壓力在領導風格與離職傾向之間具有中介效果。5.專業能力在領導風格與離職傾向之間不具干擾效果。 This research is for the purpose of discussing the leadership style, the working pressure with leaves job the tendency influence. Take the common job seeker as the object of study, and uses the non-stochastic convenience sampling method to carry on the questionnaire survey, altogether provides the questionnaire214The share, recycles 212, the effective questionnaire returns-ratio reaches 99%, interrogates the volume material by the factor analysis, the letter analysis, the T examination, the single factor variance analysis, the correlation analysis andReturning toTurns over to and so on the methods to carry on the material analysis, obtains following result:1. leadership styles have the negative remarkable influence to the working pressure.2. leadership styles to leave job the tendency to have the negative remarkable influence.3. working pressures to leave job the tendency to have the forward remarkable influence.4. working pressures with leave job between the tendency in the leadership style to have the intermediary effect.5. specialized abilities with leave job between the tendency in the leadership style not to have the disturbance effect.