本文探討《玉琳國師》中的修行觀與時代意義,修行觀的部分以佛經證研究小說故事中的自覺與覺他之道,自覺之道主要在於主角玉琳的個人修持,於故事中較為顯著的是「愛執」、「我慢」與「名利」;而貫穿小說內容的大乘菩薩道,玉琳以「觀機逗教」、「方便善巧」、「布施以弘法度眾」實踐之,這也是覺他之道,玉琳於度人之中度己,利他之中利己,覺他之道之中自覺,大乘菩薩道實為《玉琳國師》之體,方便善巧為用,小說中的故事情節如此,作者星雲大師創作《玉琳國師》亦是如此體用不二。時代意義的部分則以文化為視角,分別探索「佛教文化傳播的適應性」在於文化的民族性與時代性;「佛教文學主題的普世性」是以人為本與不離於道;「佛教修行實踐的入世性」是以出世的精神施展方便善巧以弘法利生。總結而言,《玉琳國師》一書對於社會大眾的實際功能是「復興中華文化」、「與時俱進的文藝創作」、「以人為本的社會關懷」、「弘揚佛法」以及「提倡全民運動」,而這些功能的目的在於「淨化人心」,這也是《玉琳國師》所具備的神聖性。 This thesis explores the perspective of cultivation and significance of the Times of YuLin National Master. The perspective of cultivation adapts the Buddhist texts to study YuLin’s self-enlightenment and enlightening others. The way of self-enlightenment mainly based on YuLin’s personal cultivation such as craving, arrogance as well as fame and gain. And through the books YuLin carries out the bodhisattva path by awakening others according to individual capacity, fulfilling skillful means, and propagating the Dharma by giving, which is also a way of enlightening others. YuLin releases oneself by releasing others, benefits oneself by benefiting others, and enlightens oneself by enlightening others. The bodhisattva way is the essence of YuLin National Master, skillful means is the function. Also is the plot as well as no duality between essence and function of YuLin National Master by Grand Master Hsing Yun. The significance of the Times views from the cultural aspects, nationalities and the Times is cultural adaptability of Buddhism spread of YuLin National Master. People-oriented and Buddha spirit is an universal theme of Buddhist literature of YuLin National Master. Using the adroit way of Buddha spirit to enlighten others is the practice of Buddha of secular of YuLin National Master. In conclusion, YuLin National Master for the actual function of the community is "a renaissance of Chinese culture", "the Times literary and artistic creation", "people-oriented social care", "carrying forward Dharma" and "advocating sport", and these features aims to "purify the mind" , which is YuLin National Master possess sanctity.