摘要: | 本文研究方法採用:文獻分析法、個案研究法、參與觀察法、與深度訪談法。主要研究結論如下:一、北港朝天宮能有今日之成功,最重要之因是核心使命不變與週邊使命創新。二、北港朝天宮經營管理所累積之社會資本是持續性的,不論是過去、現在、或是未來。三、了解北港朝天宮與信眾間之信任、規範、網絡,目前在經營管理與其本身組織架構和義工團體之結合,了解與檢討。四、根據彼得杜拉克(Peter Drucker)所談的"知識工作者"的組織型態, 來做理論新分析:讓我們了解廟宇及宗教團體的根本力量是什麼?它的人力成本最低,核心價值感最高,其驅動力是一種深刻的認同感;其組織,是一種自發性的,是個人與神明之間的一種內在對話及生命連結;而非用權威或是利益分配來做領導。 This paper Methods : literature analysis, case studies , participant observation , and depth interview. The main conclusions are as follows :First, the North Port temples to have success today , the most important because it is the core mission of constant innovation with neighboring missions .Second, social capital accumulation of Beigang Heavenly Temple business management is sustainable , both past, present , or future.Third, understanding and trust among the faithful of North Port temples , specifications, network , currently in its combination of organizational structure and management of volunteer groups themselves , understand and review .Fourth, according to Peter Drucker are talking about the "knowledge worker" type of organization , to do new theory : Let's understand what fundamental forces of the temple and religious groups is its lowest labor costs , core values? the highest sense , the driving force is a profound sense of identity ; its organization is a spontaneous , life is an internal dialogue and links between the individual and the gods ; and not to do with the leadership of the authority or the distribution of benefits. |