本研究旨在探討學前身心障礙學生接受轉銜服務後進入國小一年級後的學校適應情況,與學前轉銜服務對學校適應的實質幫助與影響,並從中了解轉銜安置的現況及,使得學前身心障礙學生在轉銜服務中能獲得真正的適性安置的。 本研究採個案研究法,以立意取樣方式選取台中市五位進入小一之集中式特教班身心障礙兒童為核心,針對其家長及學前老師、心評教師教師進行訪談,並輔以轉銜服務提供者之訪談資料。彙整訪談資料,與相關文件作進一步深入分析與探討,其主要發現如下:1. 教育單位的訊息傳遞不易,家長與學前教師對於轉銜服務計畫的內容或活動不清楚,而造成轉銜作業的功能不健全。但根據訪談內容發現於轉銜計畫活動的推行,學前教師和家長仍然認為對於學生升學適應上有所幫助。2. 學前身心障礙學生評鑑工具不足,無建立標準化測驗工具,導致評鑑結果信度、效度不足。而轉銜作業所依靠的心評人員,因其人力的不足,而須有支援性的心評人員出現,但其專業度不夠及對學生的熟悉度低,導致評鑑結果存疑。3. 家長與心理評量教師對於班型安置選擇觀點不同,在班型安置溝通協調方面仍以尊重家長決定,此舉容易造成學習適應上的問題。4. 從家長學前教師及心理評量人員一致性認為如果轉銜中溝通協調良好確實,對於學前身心障礙學生的安置適應的影響是正面的。 The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the adaptation of the pre-school students with disabilities who received transition service after they has entered elementary school one year later, and how the pre-school transition service has influenced the students who received transition service. In addition, understanding the current situation of transition service and making the best decision of the placement for the pre-school students with disabilities while receiving transition service. Case study method is used in this thesis. There are five first grade students with disabilities who study in special education class in Taichung city selected in this study. It is not only interviews with their parents, preschool teachers, and psychological-assessment teachers, but also transition servicers. The writer draw the following findings by analyzing and exploring interviews and materials:1. It is difficult for educational institutions to deliver message. Parents and pre-school teachers don’t understand the contents and activities about the plan of transition service. Therefore transition service system can’t function well. However, according to the interviews, parents and pre-school teachers still agree that transition service can help students to adapt elementary school.2. The shortage of pre-school disability evaluations and standardized tests leads to the limits of the validity and reliability. Doubts are expressed concerning the lack of manpower, professional, and the familiarity with students.3. When parents and evaluation teachers hold different points of view, the administrative personnel of transition service usually respect parents’ decision. 4. Parents, pre-school teachers, and psychological-assessment teachers all agree that good communications help the pre-school students with disabilities adapt easily to elementary school.