臺灣自1987年解嚴後,從最初的兩岸開放探親;到2008年7月開放中國大陸居民以團體形式來臺觀光;而後在2011年6月以試點方式開放陸客來臺自由行,已歷經20餘載。期間因兩岸政治、經濟及相關法令與政策的發展,2008年前曾經歷一段停滯期,至馬政府執政後即展開恢復協商,並快速的進行開放陸客來臺旅遊,由團進團出到2011年自由行至今2016年也已施行數年了。 本文將探討開放陸客來臺觀光對臺灣產所產生政治與經濟之衝擊,所帶來的影響及正面與負面效應。作為我方開放陸客來臺旅遊政策法規之參考,期使政策的擬定上更加嚴謹、法令規範更加詳實,達到同時提升旅遊品質與國家安全。藉由政策與法令之解析,讓我方獲取正面效益並防杜負面影響,達趨利防幣之效,使兩岸不可避免的互動關係,發展真正的「和平共榮」。 本研究認為馬政府執政8年期間正面效應大於負面效應,例如:臺灣民主的成功經驗傳播至大陸效應大於藉由大量的陸客來臺進行統戰之慮、我國經濟成長的刺激大於削價競爭無從獲利之憂、尚無因陸客逾期不歸而嚴重危害到國家安全,且未有在文化交流上與本國民眾重大衝突情況發生等等。 It has been twenty years since Taiwan first opened up for letting people visit their relatives at cross strait, following with the policy of permitting tour groups from mainland China on July 2008 and approving independent tourists come to visit Taiwan as a pilot on June 2011. During the twenty years, there was a time of stagnation between cross strait based on the reasons of politics, economics, and the development of related laws and decrees. Both sides have not been restored the negotiation until President Ma Ying-Jou’s inauguration in 2008. His administration also probed the opening up of letting tourists from mainland China to visit Taiwan rapidly. The policies have been gone through many years since 2011. To be a reference to help build clear ideas in developing regulations for letting tourists visit Taiwan, and to improve the quality of tourism and national security for Taiwan, the purpose of this study is to explore the impacts among political, economic, social security and culture exchanges between both sides. By studying the tourist policy and regulations, this study aims to assess both positive and negative effects to help meet the win-win situation between cross straits. The results indicate that there are more positive effects than negative effects during the past eight years of Ma’s administration. The spread of the successes experiences in Taiwanese democracy, the growth of economic after the visiting of Chinese tourists, no case related to overstay even to cause the national security damage and no huge conflict in the culture exchanges between both sides are all the examples shown that the policies of opening up for tourists from People's Republic of China brought the better influences than the concerns of the PRC using its people to visit Taiwan to achieve the goal of national unification.