「九年一貫」教育改革對台灣教育史上有許多重大的改變,其中國小英語課程的實施,以及教科書全面開放民間編輯的市場,是教科書業者崛起之里程碑。本文依據研究者身為國小英語教師之背景與實際工作經驗,以資料蒐集輔以質性研究深度訪談法,藉以瞭解康軒文教集團(生產者)在國小英語教材之產品、價格、促銷及通路等四P行銷面向之市場現況,及其對國小師生(消費者)的影響。再由師生對康軒教材行銷策略實施現況之看法與感受,藉以瞭解對康軒教材之評價,本文經研究所產生之參考內容與結論如下:(一)、內容1、瞭解九年一貫教改歷程之概況。2、理想教科書的要素、教科書以及教師選書的重要性。3、康軒國小英語教材行銷策略對消費者的影響。4、消費者對康軒國小英語教科書行銷策略之評價。(二)、結論1、先佔市場,掌握商機。2、順應消費者需求,產品豐富多元且積極e化。3、價格策略有競爭性,符合市場需求。4、通路結合網路系統、門市書局及經銷商之資源以強固通路服務。5、促銷活動豐富多元,提升消費者對業者的印象。6、以顧客滿意度為導向的服務品質建立商譽與口碑。 The implementation of the Grade1-9 Curriculum Reform had a significant impact on educational history in Taiwan. It was the cause of the English teaching at elementary schools and also the landmark for civilians to publish elementary school textbooks. In addition to the experiences of the author as being a teacher at an elementary school and also as a customer of Kang Shuan, the in-depth-interview method was adopted to collect the current marketing strategies from the executive staffs of Kang Shuan and suggestions from school teachers and students for the analysis of the aspects on the product, price, place and promotion of Kang Shuan Publishing Group. The evaluations of Kang Shuan marketing strategies were formed through the reflections from the customers. The contents and conclusions of the study are listed as below:A. Contentsa. General statements of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Reform.b. The basic elements of ideal text books and the importance of teachers’ choices on text books.c. The current marketing strategies of Kang Shuan Publishing Group.d. Customers’ evaluations of the current marketing strategies of Kang Shuan.B. Conclusionsa. The preoccupied marketing strategies of Kang Shuan gained more opportunities.b. Kang Shuan conforms to the need of the customers with varied productions and devoted in developing electronic text books.c. Combined franchised dealers and sales outlets for productions with network.d. Varied and active promotional planning for customers by Kang Shuan to enhance business impressions.e. By offering attentive services and attitudes based on the demand of customers to create reputations.