本研究旨在探討高雄市國小教師人格特質與班級經營效能之關係,研究對象為高雄市某國小四、五、六年級教師及學生,採問卷調查法,以教師人格特質和班級經營效能為工具,進行量化分析,研究結果如下: 一、教師人格特質以友善性最高,嚴謹自律性次之,情緒穩定性再次之,外向性之平均數最低。 二、班級經營效能整體層面為中等水準,而各層面之比較,以教師的教學品質之平均數最高,班級氣氛次之,班級 環境規劃第三,親師溝通之平均數最低。 三、高雄市國小教師人格特質與班級經營效能有顯著正關係。 四、「友善性」及「嚴謹自律性」越高的教師,其班級經營效能越高。 五、教育單位應考量教師需求,規畫良好的班級經營進修課程。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality trais and classroom management effectiveness among elementary school teachers in Kaohsiung city.The research subjects were selected from fourth, fifth and sixth-grade home-room teachers and students in Kaohsiung city. A survey”Questionnaire of the Relationship between Personality Traits and Classroom Management Effectiveness”was used. Collected data were analyzed to obtain the following conclusions: 1. Among the dimensions of personality traits, the teachers had the highest average score in agreeableness, followed by conscientiousness and emotional stability,and the lowest in extraversion. 2. The overall classroom management effectiveness was at the intermediate level. Among the dimensions of classroom management effectiveness, the teachers had the highest average score in teachers’ teaching quality, followed by classroom atmosphere and classroom environmentplanning, and the lowest in communication between teachers and parents3. A significant and positive relationship was observed between “personality traits” and “classroom management effectiveness” among elementary school teachers in Kaohsiung city.4. Teachers with higher “agreeableness” and “conscientiousness” exhibited higher classroom management effectiveness. 5. Education authorities should plan and offer advanced training in classroom management according to teachers’ needs.