本研究主要在探討屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師工作壓力及調適策略的現況。除分析不同背景變項的特殊教育教師在工作壓力與調適策略是否有顯著差異外,並進一步探討工作壓力及調適策略之間的相關性。研究以自編之「屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師工作壓力及其調適策略調查問卷」進行調查,再輔以焦點團體訪談以充實對工作壓力的調適策略之了解。 本研究的研究對象為103學年度任教於屏東縣公立國民小學附設之自足式特教班、不分類資源班及巡迴輔導班之教師,不包含資賦優異類教師。所得資料以敘述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析和皮爾森積差相關進行分析。研究結論如下: 首先,屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師感受中等偏高程度的工作壓力,以「行政困擾」工作壓力最大。第二,屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師面對工作壓力時,最常採取「理性分析」的調適策略,而較少使用「延宕逃避」的調適策略。第三,屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師整體工作壓力不因背景變項的不同而有明顯差異。第四,屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師整體調適策略不因背景變項的不同而有明顯差異。最後,屏東縣國民小學特殊教育教師感受的工作壓力構面影響其調適策略的採用方式。 The research aims to investigate special education teachers’ working stress and their coping strategies in Pingtung elementary schools. The researcher analyzed if there were significant differences in working stress and coping strategies among diverse background variables. Furthermore, the correlation of special education teachers’ working stress and their coping strategies was explored. The participants were teachers from special needs classes, resource classes and itinerant classes except gifted ones during the school year of 2015. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation. Based on the data analysis, the findings were summarized as follows:First, the level of the special education teachers’ perception of working stress is between medium and high. The phase of “administrative affliction” pressure was the highest. Second, on facing the working stress, the special education teachers adopted the “rational analysis” most frequently as their coping strategy while they adopted the “procrastination and evasion” less frequently. Third, there were no significant differences in working stress for the overall special education teachers among diverse background variables. Fourth, there were no significant differences in coping strategies for the overall special education teachers among diverse background variables. At last, the phases of working stress that special education teachers bore in the workplace determined the coping strategies they adopted.