教育政策對於世界各國都是極重要之課題,沒有良好的教育,就沒有強大的國力。良好的教育不但包含頂尖學子的教育,也包含弱勢與低學習表現學生的教育。我國於1995年開始實行一連串的相關政策,其目的之一是為了提升低收入戶學童的教育程度,能增加低收入戶學童未來能增加翻轉地位的可能性。雖然在許多文獻研究中皆顯示低收入戶學童的學習表現不如一般學生,但研究者實際教學的經驗中仍有一些低收入戶子女的學習表現位於全體學生的前端,故本研究旨在探究這類低收入家庭之學生有較高之學習表現,可能與其心理資本及社會資本有密切關係。 本研究以心理資本與社會資本為基礎,採取質性研究方法,希望藉由半結構式訪談法訪談6位低收入戶中高學習表現的兒童,以瞭解其心理資本及社會資本與高學習表現的相關影響。最後透過低收入戶兒童中高學習表現者的心理及社會資本探究,提出結論。以下依據訪談,歸納研究結果如下:一、高學習表現的低收入戶兒童之心理資本普遍較為強韌。二、高學習表現的低收入戶兒童較能運用學校社會資本以達成學習目的。三、對低收入戶兒童的學習表現,高學校社會資本可能具有彌補作用。四、教師的人格特資及資訊教學方式能有效提升學生學習動機。五、高學習表現之低收入戶兒童皆能主動參加課後補救教學,校外補習則以英文為主。 Education policy are very important issues all over the world. A strong country bases on it's good education includes not only the performance of the top students, also contains the performance of the students in low social status. Chinese began to implement a series of policies in 1995, can improve the level of education of low-income households and change their future. In general, most low-income children's academic performance are lower than the general students. Based on actual experience of teaching, fewer low-income children's academic performance are at the front. The focus of this study was to analyze the difference of the student's psychology capital and social capital. This study was based on qualitative research strategy, and semi-structured interview to interview six high academic performance in low-income households children, and understood their psychological capital and social capital. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. High academic perforance of low-income children's psychological capital was more robust generally.2. High academic perforance children in low- income households can achieve learning objectives with use social capital.3. High school social capital may have to increase the academic perforance of children in low- income households.4. Student's learning motivation can effectively enhance with the teacher's personality traits and information resources teaching methods.5. High academic perforance of low- income households child can participate in after-school teaching curriculum actively.