本研究以臺中市大肚區國小為例,探討無障礙設施現況與使用者滿意度。本研究獲得結論如下:大肚區無障礙設施設置普遍未完善且數量不足,而且新建築物和舊建築的無障礙設施完善程度有顯著差異;此外研究還發現無障礙設施使用者不滿意肇於無障礙設施不足或未改善、行政人力不足以致於政策無法全面推行、政策排擠經費不足所以成效不彰、承辦人員面對改善作業不夠積極欠缺同理心、未達成法定設施有罰責但無法執行、承辦人員專業能力不足、學校承辦人員工作輪替頻繁等,均造成臺中市大肚區國小無障礙設施至今仍無法全面改善。 本研究對中央政府、臺中市政府以及各國小提出建議。在中央政府方面:要落實政策、加強部會間連繫、善盡督導的責任、補助地方加速改善老舊建物、寬列補助經費及廣納專家及身障者意見;臺中市政府方面:應重視無障礙政策、加速拆除老舊建物、承辦人要有同理心、執行全面性身障者的普查、落實無障礙設施勘檢制度、培訓各區公所公務人員及志工加入校園無障礙勘檢工作、公益彩券盈餘補助無障礙校園設施設備的改善、辦理身心障礙者需求評估及服務調查研究等;在各國小方面:調整肢體障礙者的教室或工作場域的樓層,儘量安排在一樓方便出入之處、結合各校的校舍安全檢核小組,納入改善校園無障礙設施項目、辦理體驗活動、落實填報機制、無障礙校園表格填寫標準需一致。 This study aimed to discuss the present condition of barrier-free facilities at elementary schools in Dadu District of Taichung and to investigate user satisfactions of using access-free facilities. This study employed a qualitative research method to in-depth interview 20 people including physically disabled students and faculties, students tutors, directors of General Affairs, and the undertakes personnels of Department of Education, and the Urban Development Bureau of Taichung City Government. The major findings of the study were as follows: (1) the barrier-free facilities are not well improved and insufficient in the campus area; (2) on the drgree of improvement, there were signifcant differences between new buildings and old buildings; (3) the users were unsatisfied with the insufficient or unimproved barrier-free facilities; (4) policies can not be fully implemented due to lack of manpower in adminstration; (5) insufficient government funds caused ineffective of improvement; (6) the undertaken personnels were not positive enough and lack of empathy and professional knowledge with the job of improvement. Based on the findings, this paper provided suggestions to the central government, Taichung City Government and the elementary schools in Taichung Dadu District.