隨著網路的發展,消費者開始在網路閱讀與分享個人旅遊資訊,因此業者也開始注重建構於具有吸引力的網站,強調使用者參與資訊內容的新世代,具互動與社交導向的社群網站也紛紛興起,成為企業在發展新行銷平台的方向。本研究針對社群網站的使用者為對象,探討旅遊社群網站內的資訊品質、知覺價值、態度與行為意向之間的影響關係;本研究以藉由發放網路問卷,有效問卷回收共427份。研究結果顯示:(1) 資訊品質對於知覺價值有正向顯著的影響。(2) 資訊品質對於態度有正向顯著的影響。(3)知覺價值對行為意向有正向顯著的影響。(4)態度對行為意向有正向顯著的影響。(5)知覺價值對資訊品質與行為意向之間存在部分中介效果。(6)態度對資訊品質與行為意向之間存在部分中介效果。本研究結果可提供給相關業者經營策略之參考及後續相關研究之依據。 With the development of Internet, many consumers began to read, and share personal travel information on the web, so the tourism industry began to focus on the construction site attractive, stressed that the new generation of information users to participate in web content, so sociability and interaction with the Social Network Sites have emerging as a new direction in the development of enterprise marketing platform. In this study, users of social network sites targeted, quality of tourism information within the site, perceived relationship between values, attitudes and behavioral intentions influence; this research through online questionnaires retrieved a total of 427 questionnaires. The results show: (1) The Information quality for perceived value has a positive and significant effect. (2) The user attitude has a positive and significant effect. (3) The perceived value for intent to have a significant positive effect. (4) Attitude to the behavioral intentions has a positive and significant effect. (5) The perceived value for the quality and intent between the mediating effects. (6) Attitude for quality and intent between partial mediating effects. thisresearch results may benefit the managers and oncoming researchers tomake some strategies.