佛教傳入中國已兩千多年,淨土念佛法門是數百年來最普遍流傳的法門。在眾多的法門當中,為何祖師大德一再勸眾生念佛修行,尤其是現今忙碌的社會裡,想要撥空修行談何容易?而得以在家念佛修行,乘佛願力,確信凡夫成佛的可能性。 本研究之研究目的:一、探討淨土念佛修行者之學佛歷程。二、探討淨土信仰對修行者面對生命困境時之影響。三、探討淨土信仰對修行者面對老病死課題之影響。四、探討淨土信仰對修行者生命態度與價值觀之影響。 依據研究文本資料分析、歸納與書寫,研究結果發現,研究參與者從淨土念佛修行的歷程,對於生命態度、死亡的看法有顯著改變。生命過程中,研究參與者曾經迷惑與茫然困頓不順遂的人生,心靈上遭受到挫折失敗的打擊。從淨土宗念佛修行的歷程中心靈上的轉換,唯有真誠面對自己命運、環境、遭遇等苦痛的歷程後,真正看見的自己,用心體驗生命感受生活,創造更有意義價值的人生。 Buddhism has entered into China for more than two thousand years. Pure Land Buddhism is one of the most widely practiced traditions of Buddhism. Why the Masters continuously advocate people to practice reciting Buddha's name? Especially in these busy days, it is very hard to find time to practice, How it can be to practice reciting Buddha's name at home, to wish becoming a Buddha, and to believe that an ordinary person would become a Buddha? The study aimed to explore the following influence of the Pure Land teaching for the practitioner: 1. Explore the learning process. 2. Explore the influence of the Pure Land teaching when t facing a difficult position. 3. Explore the influence of the Pure Land teaching when facing people's aged、sickness and death. 4. Explore the influence toward the attitude and values of the Pure Land teaching. In accordance with the data analysis、summarize and writing, the findings of this study are: 1. The participant has significant changes of attitude toward life and death through Pure Land teaching practice. 2. The participant went through confusing, disorienting, frustrating and devastating life experience resulted in the setbacks on his mind. 3. From the reciting Buddha's name of Pure Land teaching, the participant has transformed spiritually. Only after truly facing our destiny, environments and encounters, then we can see real ourselves, experience the taste of being and create a meaningful, valuable life.