本研究以多發性原發癌症患者之生病及調適經驗為主題。以詮釋現象學方法為研究指引,立意取樣取一名病患參與研究,進行深度訪談。訪談資料經錄音存檔轉成逐字稿後,在文本內容、意義單元、現象脈絡及詮釋結構之間,來回往復地進行文本分析。研究發現,(1)生病經驗限縮患者時空體驗;(2)生病經驗歷程呈顯個體、家庭、形上三個心理轉折階段;(3)病患於疾病過程進行內在心理、身體管理、家庭力量的三層調適;(4) 病患個人詮釋疾病之特有架構的重要性。本研究結果提供有別於醫療照護觀點的多發性原發癌症患者的照顧資訊,可做為多發性原發癌症患者、家庭照顧者以及醫護臨床實務者的參考。 The theme of this study is the illness and adaptation experience of a patient with multiple primary cancers diagnosed. The research was guided by hermeneutic phenomenological research method. One patient was recruited as research participant through purposive sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect data. The interview contents were transcribed verbatim and analyzed subsequently. The text was read back and forth among four levels: textual contents, units of meaning, textual contexts, interpretive structures till a conclusion reached. The findings were as follows: (1) the limited experience of space-time, (2) three psychological turning points on individual, family, and thinking levels, (3) three adaptation levels in terms of inner psyche, body management, and family strength, (4) the importance of interpretive scheme on illness experience. Different from the mainstream views, the results of this study revealed the care information about a patient with multiple primary cancers diagnosed. They can be taken as references for the patient, family members, and clinical professionals.