摘要: | 自然與生活科技領域的學習有助於國小學童培養對自然科學的了解與興趣,以及建立學童生活科技領域的知識,做為其日後發展自然科學與生活科技應用的基礎。然而在諸如月相盈虧的現象、成因、週期及日地月相對運動等基本概念的學習方面,仍有許多學生存在迷思概念,並帶著此迷思概念進入日後正式的科學學習中。因此,如何建立較為有效之自然與生活科技領域的學習模式,協助國小學童建構正確的自然與生活科技領域知識和應用能力,實為國小教師不可忽視的課題。 翻轉教學的興起改變了傳統的教育思維,其顛覆了以往以教師為中心的教學模式,學生翻轉而成為學習的中心,故被認為可以提高教師教學及學生學習的成效。有鑑於國小學童對自然與生活科技領域學習的重要性,本研究採用翻轉教學的模式,探究國小四年級學生自然與生活科技領域「月亮」單元之學習成效是否優於傳統講述教學。研究方法採用教學實驗法,教學實驗對象為嘉義縣某國小四年級學生共計四個班的96位學生,其中兩個班進行翻轉教學(實驗組),而另兩班則進行傳統講述教學(對照組)。在教學實驗之前,教學實驗對象都接受學習月亮單元之前測,接著進行五週的教學活動,然後接受學習月亮單元之後測,經由實驗結果的數據分析發現:一、不同學習成就的學生在不同教學模式有顯著差異。二、國小四年級自然與生活科技領域翻轉教學具有教學成效。三、國小四年級自然與生活科技領域翻轉教學的成效優於傳統教學。 Learning the nature and life technology course can help elementary school children to promote understanding and interest in the natural sciences as well as building knowledge in the life science and technology, and then someday it will become the basis for the development of natural science and life science and technology applications. However, learning basic concepts such as moon phases phenomenon, causes, cycles and the relative motion of sun, earth and moon and so on, make many students retain misconceptions, and in the future with thse misconceptions into the formal science learning . However, learning basic concepts such as moon phases phenomenon, causes, cycles and the relative motion of sun, earth and moon and so on, make many students retain misconceptions, and in the future with these misconceptions into the formal science learning . Therefore, how to establish a more effective mode of learning and to assist elementary school children to construct proper knowledge in the nature and life technology course must be an important issue for elementary school teachers. With the rise of flipped teaching has changed the traditional educational thinking, and overturned teacher-centered teaching mode, flipped teaching laying stress on that students become the center of learning, has been supposed to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning results. In view of the importance of learning the nature and life technology course for elementary school children, this study using teaching experiment method to investigate whether the effectiveness of flipped teaching is superior to the traditional teaching, and the major research objects from Chiayi County were 96 fourth-grade students of four classes in the elementary school, including two experimental groups, while the other two control groups. It took eighteen lessons to complete the experiment in that the experimental groups adopted flipped teaching, the control groups adopted traditional teaching. The results and conclusion of the research are as follows: First, different learning achievements of students have significant differences in different teaching methods.Second, flipped teaching has the effectiveness in the field of the nature and life technology courset for fourth graders.Third, the effectiveness of flipped teaching in the field of the nature and life technology courset for fourth graders is superior to the effectiveness of traditional teaching. |